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Karren Brady, 55,  shows off results of £3,500 'non

Karren Brady has undergone a £3, showsoffresultsof£500 'invisible facelift' in a bid to eliminate her 'dreaded jowls'. 

Baroness Brady, 55, who is the vice chairman of West Ham United and adviser to Lord Sugar on BBC's The Apprentice, visited Dr Rita Rakus at her Knightsbridge-based clinic for EndoliftX. 

The non-invasive process uses a laser-emitting wire to tighten the skin - promising collagen regeneration with a 95 per cent success rate in skin tightening, according to the clinic.

The television personality wanted to expel her 'dreaded jowls' and address the lower part of her face, which had started to 'drag'.

And not only is she 'delighted' with the results, but less than 24 hours later, Karren went out for lunch. 

'I was home straight after the treatment, and went out for lunch the next day, no bruising and just slight swelling that went down really quickly,' she said. 

Karen before the non-invasive treatmentKaren after the treatment

Baroness Karren Brady of Knightsbridge CBE underwent ENDOLIFTX to banish her 'dreaded jowls'

The minimally invasive procedure employs a unique laser fibre, thinner than a strand of hair, to tighten, lift and add definition to the skin - treating various signs of ageing across the whole body, including the lower face and neck. 

Karren made the decision to undergo a EndoliftX procedure after she noticed signs of ageing on jaw and neck. 

'As a woman of a certain age, I noticed the lower part of my face was starting to sag and I was starting to get the dreaded jowls people talk about,' she said.

'That was really my main concern when I went to see Dr Rakus and she recommended EndoliftX.

'Before having the treatment I feared it would be quite invasive, but it's not at all. I was home straight after the treatment, and went out for lunch the next day, no bruising and just slight swelling that went down really quickly.

'The most unexpected part of the treatment was that it didn't hurt, it didn't take very long, there wasn't any downtime, and it gave the sort of result that you'd usually only get by going in to have proper surgery. 

'Just a few weeks post treatment and I feel great and I am really delighted with my results.'

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The television personality was 'delighted' with the results and experienced little swelling and no bruising

Dr Rita Rakus explained: 'The results are both immediate and long-term, with the area continuing to improve for several months following the ENDOLIFTX® procedure as additional collagen builds in the deep layers of the skin over time. 

'The procedure lasts for under an hour, and the patient can usually return to their daily activities almost immediately with instantly tighter and lifted skin. 

'The results improve over the following nine months and last up to five years.'

Dr Luke Simmonds, Aesthetic Doctor at Nova Aesthetic Clinic explained the process in further detail.

'We inject a local anaesthetic into the area of skin being treated, and most people report feeling nothing during the laser treatment itself, and it has much less downtime than the surgical alternative,' he said. 

Luke added: 'Of course, with any procedure like this, there is some minor swelling and flushing, but usually this is very tolerable and lasts around 48 hours; however this depends on the individual's skin type and condition and patients can resume their daily activity immediately.



'EndoliftX is the closest non-surgical alternative to a surgical face-lift and liposuction. 

It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a laser fibre that is thinner than a strand of hair to tighten, lift, and add definition back to the skin. 

It can be used to both tighten the skin whilst simultaneously addressing excess fat whether that be on the chin or jowls to contour the jawline, or on the arms to rid bingo wings. 

Inserted within the skin into the deep dermis, laser energy is applied through the wire, delivering heat into the skin which then responds by remodelling and boosting collagen production, without causing any damage to the outside skin.


' Patients begin to see improvements to their skin from around four weeks after treatment, but the settled results take between three and six months to show, with some people's results continuing to improve for up to 12 months. 

'We often recommend checking in every 12 months to see if you require a repeat session, but I have some patients who can go two to three years maintaining their results from just a single session.'

While EndoliftX is an FDA-approved procedure, it is crucial to ensure that the original EndoliftX device is used. 

Instances of counterfeit devices branded similarly to EndoliftX have been reported, and these have caused severe medical complications.

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